Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training via Discrete Diffusion for Efficient Policy Learning

Anonymous Authors

Our trained agent VPDD can complete a wide range of tasks in MetaWorld and RLBench:


Learning a generalist embodied agent capable of completing multiple tasks poses challenges, primarily stemming from the scarcity of action labeled robotic datasets. In contrast, a vast amount of human videos exist, capturing intricate tasks and interactions with the physical world. Promising prospects arise for utilizing actionless human videos for pre-training and transferring the knowledge to facilitate robot policy learning through limited robot demonstrations.

In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that leverages a unified discrete diffusion to combine generative pre-training on human videos and policy fine-tuning on a small number of action-labeled robot videos. We start by learning compressed visual representations from both human and robot videos to obtain unified video tokens. In the pretraining stage, we employ a discrete diffusion model with a mask-and-replace diffusion strategy to predict future video tokens in the latent space.

In the fine-tuning stage, we harness the imagined future videos to guide low-level action learning trained on a limited set of robot data. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-fidelity future videos for planning and enhances the fine-tuned policies compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches.


Overall pipeline of VPDD. A video-based VQ-VAE is leveraged to encode both human and robot videos into discrete latent codes. Subsequently, a unified discrete diffusion is firstly pre-trained on these video latent codes via a self-supervised objective, predicting future videos conditioning on language instructions and historical videos. The pre-trained video prediction model \(p_{\theta_1}\) can capture temporal dynamics and representations of the current task. Lastly, we fine-tune our diffusion model on a limited number of robot data. In each diffusion step of the fine-tuning stage, we leverage \(p_{\theta_1}\) to provide hidden representations \(z_{\widetilde{x}_{0}^{v}}\) to accelerate downstream action learning with video foresight. Both video prediction and action learning are executed simultaneously through our unified objective.

After the pre-training, VPDD exhibits the capability to generate future video clips across diverse tasks while maintaining dynamic consistency. Each synthesized video clip consists of 4 frames, and serves as a strong guidance to enable efficient policy learning for downstream tasks.

To demonstrate the dynamic consistency and accurate prediction of future behavior in the generated video clips by VPDD \(p_{\theta_1}\), we conduct multiple inferences and concatenate the resulting video clips to create an 8-second video. Below, we provide some examples observed in MetaWorld: We additionally fine-tune our pre-trained \(p_{\theta_1}\) on real robot videos with various embodiments to demonstrate the efficacy of our method on real environment. Subsequently, we concatenate the predicted video clips to formulate a 16-second coherent video. Below, we provide examples observed in the real environment:

Below, we illustrate some video clips on Meta-World.

VPDD also demonstrates the ability to generate multi-view videos while ensuring view correspondence. Below, we illustrate some video clips on RLBench.


         author    = {Anonymous Authors},
         title     = {Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training via Discrete Diffusion for Efficient Policy Learning},
         year      = {2024},